Sunday, September 19, 2004

Information with No Conflicts of Interest

One thing that makes it hard to find unbias information on extended automotive warranties is all the affiliates that exist on the internet. Affiliates get their money when they refer someone to an extended warranty provider and the person buys the policy. Affiliate websites can be set up very cheaply. Thus, the web is filled with these types of sites. When you search on Google, these affiliate sites will make your search for unbias and quality info very difficult. This is why I started this blog. I thought there needed to be a source of unbias info.

As an example of the conflicts of interest that exist on the net, I found the following disclaimer from At least this site has a disclaimer:

Conflict of Interest: I receive revenue from warranty companies based on the amount of traffic I send to their web sites and the number of resulting sales. While this does represent a conflict of interest, I believe that these companies represent the best of the best on the web.

On this blog, no money will be made if you buy from any provider. I intend to just provide the facts.